Hello To The New Year

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to 2016! Now I know your probably thinking that it’s three weeks into January and I’m really late with this blog post, but as usual I look at it a bit differently. See every year two maybe three days into the new year everyone comes out with their Goodbyes to the year that passed 24 hours ago and a list of all the things they want to accomplish or change for the new year. While there is nothing wrong with that process I just feel it’s better to wait a few weeks into the new year, see how your feeling about it so far and then go from there with your resolutions, goodbyes, lists and so on. So anyways here we go!

So first off peace out 2015, it was fun!! 2015 was honestly one of the most rollercoaster like years most people have seen in a while. With all the mini fads that caught on like contouring, The Kardashians, the condom challenge, an apologetic Justin Bieber and wearing flannel  to amazing political strides like the legalization of Gay Marriage in US. There is no question about it, 2015 left us with some amazing memories. Personally, overall it was a great year for me but I’m always happy to welcome a new year.

For 2016 I don’t want to have the usual New Year’s Resolution that most people make with a list of things they want to accomplish or achieve like loosing weight or getting better grades. Instead I made a list of all the things that I used to do that I want to go back to doing. Almost like a sort of self renewal. I feel like this is the year to focus on yourself and do things that make you feel good. For example for me I want to find one amazing book or series and read it because I know when I really fall in love with a book I get lost in it and that’s an amazing feeling for me. I also want to write more, on my blog, in my diary and anywhere else I can write because it’s something I love to do. I want to find new ways to put myself out into the world and have what I say be heard. I want to go back to the basics when it comes to riding my horses and remember why I fell in love with the sport in the first place. And theres a bunch of other things I want to do because I made a list of 16 things but I wont bore you with the rest of them.

The point is 2016 will be the year I go back to doing things for myself and remembering what I truly love about life and why I love it. So welcome 2016 🙂


The Days We Live For and The Years We Look Forward Too 

Listening vs Hearing

When we’re born if we are lucky we are born with the ability to hear, and the first time we hear more than likely it’s the sound of someone’s voice, whether it be the doctor, your mother or father etc. We hear a voice. However as a baby that voice doesn’t actually make sense, it sounds like a sort of murmur and it is only through the persons tone that we are able to even remotely understand what they are trying to tell us. As we grow and things change, noises develop into sounds and the voices that sounded like murmurs turn into a voice actually using words. Then shortly after some of us develop the ability to listen.

Although it may not seem like it at first there is a profound difference being listening and hearing. You see majority of us can hear, sound waves enter through your ears and into your brain and they resister to you as some sort of sound, whether familiar or not, like a simple command or instruction. Not a very difficult process. However the ability to listen only comes to those who actually want to listen and this widely depends on your personality. If your the type of person who feels your always right and everyone else is wrong unless they agree with you chances are you don’t know how to listen. Honestly don’t get me wrong, there is actually nothing wrong with this type of person, they can be loveable and tolerable if you just agree with them and let it go.

But what happens when your tired of just letting it go? Because when you deal with someone who in unable to listen, they hear your voice, they know the sounds but they aren’t actually listening to what you have to say. Ergo whatever your trying to say, whatever point your trying to make or whatever argument your trying to win, it will never actually work.

However I do believe the worst of all are the people who listen selectively. These are the people who pretend to listen but really they only takeaway the parts they want to hear. But this usually makes the situation a lot harder because when they only choose to takeaway certain parts of what you’ve said they end up misinterpreting everything. Then guess who still ends up being wrong? That’s right, you. No matter how hard you try to explain, or even if you just sit in silence, somehow you will always be wrong.

Usually this is where I would try and provide some sort of advice on how to deal with this type of person but I honestly haven’t a clue where to begin. You can’t talk to them because they aren’t really listening, but you can only stay silent for long because then you, yourself will implode or grow to resent said person.  And if you want to make the situation even harder try having that person be in your family, my god thats enough to make you want to pull your own hair out. Anyways unfortunately I don’t actually have a way to deal with said person. I guess this is where your forced to take it as it comes and just deal with it, but holy lord it can be hard. Good luck!


the days we don’t want and the people we don’t want either

Love or Lust

What is it about the idea of love that is so intriguing? Why do we feel the need to have this other person be our companion and somehow make us feel complete? Wouldn’t it be easier to just feel complete and whole on your own? I don’t even believe in love anymore, at least not in the traditional sense. I believe that you can love your family but the idea of “falling in love” or the most idiotic expression I’ve ever heard in my life: “love at first sight”, I’m inclined to believe doesn’t exist. Instead I chose to believe in “falling in lust” and “lust at first sight” because that just seems more logical. I probably sound very bitter at this point so I’ll quit while I’m ahead but just consider it for a second; why put your self through the rollercoaster of love or the idea of love when you can simply choose lust instead and blame it strictly on sexual desires?


the cynic

Princes and Princess

Hey there,

So for the past couple days I’ve been on this Disney Princess movie bender because ever since I was little I always wanted to be a princess. I grew up being called princess by my parents, my family and even some of my friends, it’s just what I wanted to be. So anyways if you took a peek at my last written blog post you may gather that I am having trouble finding a guy, actually scratch that, I’m having trouble finding love. You may be wondering what this has to do with Disney Princesses right? Well I’ve had this thought, or more like a realization: if I want to find guy to love me, truly, maybe I should I go about it in a similar manner to the Disney Princesses, I should stop looking. 

Stay with me here this does make sense. Now just glancing over most Disney movies one may note that a lot of them have something to do with a girl who needs to be saved by a guy, which is completely unfair. However looking deeper into it what’s really happening it’s that these women have men in lives that love them so much they are willing to risk their lives for them without the women/ princess even asking or looking for them.

Take a look at Tiana from the Princess and the Frog, she was this hard-working girl trying to save up to buy her own restaurant. The last thing on her mind was finding love, and because she wasn’t looking for it, she found it, or it found her depending on how you look at it. Another example would be Bell from Beauty and the Beast, she was so smart and so kind, also not looking for love, simply trying to save her father and by the end she got both. Anastasia from the movie Anastasia was a badass, all she wanted was to find her family and actually ended up saving herself AND the guy and of course still ending up with the love of her life.

There are more examples but the point is that I’m taking a new approach to love. I won’t look for it any more instead, I’ll wait for my prince to come while I continue to live to my life, because putting everything on hold isn’t working anymore. 


Patience if a virtue 


Hey all you bloggers out there, clearly it’s been sometime before I’ve done a post  but I’m here now. Unfortunately I have no deep seeded words of knowledge or nuggets of inspiration for anyone today so this post will be sort . Although I do suppose that life is made up of quiet days and the noisy ones, its all a part of the days we live for and the ones we don’t want. Anyways next time I post hopefully I’ll have more to say 🙂 


Silent but Settling



Lost in My Own Mind

Hey again,

So I am trying to post as often as possible but that’s kind of hard because I don’t believe in blogging unless you have something to say otherwise your wasting your readers time (assuming I have readers :)) I currently am in a public library supposed to be working on  a project with a deadline that is fast approaching but as usual I can’t focus on it. Honestly I can’t focus on a lot of things lately, I don’t know if it’s laziness or incompetence on my part but whatever it is I need to get over it. 

I am tired and irritated most of the day and the only thing I could think to do was vent through my blog, again with my patheticness. I want to say I need a break but honestly there is nothing to take a break from. I know I’ve used this reference before but have you ever felt like a drop in the ocean or a grain of sand on the beach, just completely un noticed? I guess it’s my fault because I’m not the most social person of life and I don’t have a problem being alone…. But I do have a problem being lonely. I want to throw my hands in the air and say Im done, but done with what? I am completely and 100% stuck in my life and the way it is right now with no way out, unless Im just not looking hard enough to find a way out or a solution. My mind is all over the place, even this post is all over the map. Is this really my life? Is this really my train of thought? 

Is this really me?


The days we can’t define who we are