What is it about the idea of love that is so intriguing? Why do we feel the need to have this other person be our companion and somehow make us feel complete? Wouldn’t it be easier to just feel complete and whole on your own? I don’t even believe in love anymore, at least not in the traditional sense. I believe that you can love your family but the idea of “falling in love” or the most idiotic expression I’ve ever heard in my life: “love at first sight”, I’m inclined to believe doesn’t exist. Instead I chose to believe in “falling in lust” and “lust at first sight” because that just seems more logical. I probably sound very bitter at this point so I’ll quit while I’m ahead but just consider it for a second; why put your self through the rollercoaster of love or the idea of love when you can simply choose lust instead and blame it strictly on sexual desires?


the cynic

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